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Josh vs Jim Bob Duggar; The Ultimate Show Down

TLC’s hit show 19 Kids and Counting aired last night and it was CHOP FULL of drama.  Actually… I don’t think it could have been more lack luster.

This show could not possibly be any more dull. In the season opener Josh Duggar moves out of his family’s house with his wife and 3 children. The entire episode was dedicated to them moving furniture into their new house. I kid you not nothing else happened. Oh ya I forgot they also went on a carousel, which brought some drama cause Josh got a little motion sickness. Poor guy……

Also, for some reason this show really bothers me. First of all the mom on this show is as creepy as Beetlejuice himself. She has the eyes of a mass murderer, and the voice of the mom from that movie Mommy Dearest. I feel like she just needs to carry a wire hanger in her left hand at all times. Also, who thinks that when they’re older they want to have a family of 19. Like, I’m all for people to have as many kids as they want, but COME ON PEOPLE. WE GET IT. YOU CAN HAVE KIDS. NO NEED TO BRAG ABOUT IT. And, all of their kids names start with a ‘J’. REALLY??!! Can we get anymore creepier?? I’m not quite sure if we can.


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So since absolutely nothing relevant has  happened on this show I have decided to dedicate this blog to the ultimate show down of father vs son, Luke vs Darth Vader, Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee, Hilary Clinton vs Sarah Palin. Ladies and gents I present (drum roll please)….Josh Duggar vs Jim Bob Duggar.

Ok this is a tough call. I’m not sure which one I like better, but all I know is that I hate them both about the same. Josh does get some cool points since he has a normal amount of children, however I didn’t in the slightest way appreciate how he used his younger brothers and sisters as a move in/house decorating crew. I mean he had his family drive ALL 19 CHILDREN from Arkansas to Washington DC to help him move in. That’s a technical foul in my books Josh. Also, there is such a thing as child labor laws in the country. I don’t think a 7 year old should be moving a full size couch through a door way at any point in time.

As for Jim Bob it’s almost too easy to hate this guy. I mean clearly he feels some sort of entitlement since all of his kid’s names start with a ‘J’ (ps his wife’s name is Michelle…LOL) Like, you couldn’t give one of your kids a name that starts with an ‘M’.  Your wife GAVE BIRTH TO 19 CHILDREN. She deserve an Olympic medal, and you can’t even name one of your kids after her. Rude.  However, you got to admit this guy is nice…. even though he consistently talks like a tour guide at every waking moment of the day. Also, their “family car” is a tour bus. At first I thought that was a bit over the top, but now that I think about it… it’s kinda hysterical.

So, I’m going to let you guys decide. Who is the better Duggar, Josh or Jim Bob?? This epic battle between dumb and dumber is in your hands bloggers!!


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